Summer Grub Control

Posted by Garrick McCarty on
Weed Control
Summer Grub Control

There are a couple signs you can look for that will indicate a grub problem: An influx of beetles in the early summer, and dead patches of grass in the late summer. If you’ve noticed these two things, chances are you have a grub problem — even if you haven’t seen the grubs themselves. 

Grubs are the larvae of various types of beetles. They’re white and tend to be curved into a C shape. Their food is organic matter in your soil, which includes your grass roots. 

If you think you may have a grub problem, there are several ways to know for sure. Pull back about a square foot of green turf in several different places in your lawn. If you find several grubs in each place, it’s probably time to take action. 

Controlling Lawn Grubs

Grubs hatch in late summer, after their beetle parents have spent the early part of the season feeding on plants in your yard. So the key to controlling grubs effectively is to kill them before they hatch. After that point, they’re going to eat continuously until the fall, when they’ll burrow deeper into your lawn in order to survive the winter. 

Before they can hatch and start damaging your lawn, put down some preventative grub killer. One application can typically prevent grubs for several months. This is especially important if you’ve had problems with grubs in the past, and it should be done in the spring or early summer. 

Interestingly, a well-maintained lawn goes a long way in preventing a grub issue from getting out of hand. If your lawn is dry and underfed, it will show damage much more than a watered and well-fed lawn. And it won’t take as many grubs per square foot to do obvious damage, either. 

Weed Control and Fertilization for a Grub-Resistant Lawn

Part of maintaining your lawn well is to control weeds and fertilize your grass. These are two key elements of a solid lawn care routine that can make a huge difference in how your lawn looks and how you use it. 

If you’re looking for a reliable lawn care company that can take care of your weeds and give your lawn the food it needs to be healthy and resistant to grubs, reach out to us today and get a free quote — we’d love to work for you!