We all want a beautiful lawn, right? And if you’re like many people, you’ve taken the opportunity of a new year to make some changes about how you care for your lawn. That’s great! But in order to find success with your lawn in 2020, you need to have a plan—and that’s where we come in. Keep reading for some practical tips to get a great lawn this year. 

#1: Aeration

Late spring and early fall are the best times to aerate your lawn, so if you missed doing this in the fall, don’t worry—you’re just a couple months away from your next chance. Aerating your lawn is one of the best ways to make sure it’s healthy all year. This process allows air and water to reach the roots of your grass by making small channels in the yard. Giving nutrients a direct path to your lawn’s roots means better looking grass all year long. 

#2: Dethatching

Also known as raking the lawn, dethatching keeps your lawn looking great by fighting moss growth. Just grab a rake and run it through your entire yard to remove debris or dead organic matter that sits on top of the grass and covers the soil. When this debris isn’t removed, your soil can’t bring in the nutrients it needs to give your grass, and so your entire lawn suffers. 

#3: Water

This one gets a little tricky if the area you’re living in is under a drought warning (like where we live in Alabama almost every summer), but the whole point is just to do the best you can to keep your grass hydrated. If your lawn is already pretty healthy and you’re getting a good amount of rain, then you probably won’t have to worry about watering it too much. But if you do need to supplement, try watering in the morning and in the evening so that your lawn can fully absorb the water. 

#4: Weed Control

You can do all of the things above and get a pretty nice looking yard, but if you want to take it up to the next level (and save yourself some back-breaking work), you need to set up a weed control routine. This should be done year-round (yep, weeds grow in the winter) and should be done by a professional who knows how to handle the chemicals they’re using. You can always grab some weed killer at your local home improvement store, but they won’t be as effective as the stuff a professional uses, and you won’t see optimal results. The best investment is routine monthly weed control done by a local company like Running Roots: You’ll see incredible results all year long, you won’t have to deal with housing the chemicals on your property, and you’ll get more bang for your buck than buying off-the-shelf weed killer from a store. 

Ready to Get a Great Lawn in 2020? Contact Running Roots!

At Running Roots Lawn Care, we make it easy to get a free quote on year-round weed control for your lawn. Just fill out this quick form and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible!