Maintaining Your Yard Well This Summer

Posted by Garrick McCarty on
Maintaining Your Yard Well This Summer

As summer arrives in the South, we’re all thinking about family barbecues, lazy evenings on the deck, and playing outside with the kids. But in order to have fun doing all that, you need a yard that’s well maintained. Here are some tips to keep your yard looking great all summer long. 

Early Summer Lawn Maintenance

In the first few weeks of summer (before the heat gets downright unbearable during the day), you want to focus on fertilization. This gives your lawn the nutrients it needs to look great and stay healthy through heat and possible droughts. 

You also want to mow a little higher than you did when you started this Spring, which allows your grass to develop deeper roots and reach water sources underground, as well as keep the soil temperature cooler by providing additional shade. 

This is also the time to let your grass clippings stay on your lawn. You may be tempted to bag them up, but they’ll break down over time and provide additional nutrients for your lawn. 

Mid-Summer Lawn Maintenance 

Now is the time to ramp up your watering habits. You want your water to reach a depth of 4-6 inches below the surface, so it’s a good idea to check how deeply your water is penetrating the soil by using a screwdriver or a small trowel. 

Fertilization is also a must during this time. Feeding your lawn every 6-8 weeks is a good standard. Keep an eye on weeds, too, and treat your lawn for weed control consistently. 

Late Summer Lawn Maintenance

Time to sharpen those mower blades! Dull blades can rip grass instead of cutting it cleanly, which leaves a jagged edge that loses moisture faster than a clean cut. 

Water your lawn in the mornings, ideally between 6:00 and 10:00, so that your yard loses less moisture to evaporation as the day heats up. 

You still want to keep an eye on weeds; regular weed control is a good idea year-round, but you’ll really see the fruit of that in the summer, when weeds typically pop up in a significant way. 

Want a Great Lawn This Summer? Call Running Roots!

Proper weed control is the foundation for any beautiful lawn. No matter how often you cut, you probably won’t be able to keep up with weeds in your yard — and any weeds you have will undermine your maintenance efforts until you get them handled. 

Running Roots can provide the year-round weed control you need to get the beautiful yard you want. Get a free quote today on weed control for your yard.