Four Tips for Mosquito Management

Posted by Garrick McCarty on
Mosquito Control
Four Tips for Mosquito Management

Nothing takes the thrill out of a nice summer evening like mosquitoes. One minute, your family is enjoying a relaxing barbecue in the backyard; the next, you’re swatting your arms and legs like crazy, and probably ending up with an unwanted collection of red, itchy bites. And then there are your pets—mosquitoes carry the parasite that causes heartworms, so the issue affects your furbabies, too. 

The best way to control mosquitoes is by signing up for mosquito management with Running Roots, but you can also take steps to reduce the problem on your own. Keep reading for mosquito management tips. 

#1: Avoid Letting Water Stand

Standing water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes, so not only do you have the original mosquitos to worry about, you also have their soon-to-hatch eggs. If you have natural depressions on your property that tend to collect water, fill them in with dirt or sand to discourage water from collecting. Don’t leave baby pools or buckets out for long periods of time—rainwater will collect in them and attract mosquitoes. 

#2: Trim Shrubs Around Your Home

Uncontrolled foliage is attractive to mosquitoes, so keep the bushes around your house trimmed and contained. The more places you have for mosquitoes to inhabit, the more likely they are to move in, so keep your landscaping neat and clean. 

#3: Don’t Let Debris Pile Up

Whenever you’re cleaning out leaves, fallen limbs, or other landscape debris, don’t leave it piled up in your yard. This provides an ideal place for mosquitoes to gather, and once they’re there, you’ll have to deal with them every time you go outside. Instead, take your debris to the dump as soon as possible in order to keep your yard as mosquito-free as possible.

#4: Keep Weeds Under Control

As you’ve probably gathered by now, a neat yard is less attractive to mosquitoes than a weedy, cluttered yard. Year-round weed control is a great way to discourage mosquitoes from making their home on your property, and when the mosquitoes pack up and move out, life gets better for everybody!

Get Mosquito Management with Running Roots

Here at Running Roots, our first priority is the wellbeing of you, your family, and your pets. We were already passionate about offering high-quality weed control, so it’s only natural that we would offer mosquito management, too! Get a free quote today and start living outdoors again.